VERK/400 financial accounting

The VERK/400 financial accounting module reliably supports financial and accounting tasks, while ensuring compilance with local laws. It also supports executive finance reports and controlling.

VERK/400 functions

Tailored for local requirements

The VERK/400 component was developed in Hungary, and conforms to all local taxation laws and financial requirements. System-wide automation proactively helps the users, while providing contolling functionality.

Robust mainframe

VERK/400's IT platform is a specific solution for running business-critical applications with exceptional reliability, and one hundred percent security against viruses and hackers. It includes the server computer, the operating system, and the database engine necessary for running the cDMS solution.

20 years of experience built in

VERK/400 is R&R Software's self developed system, maintaned and supported by a team of twenty expert colleagues. VERK/400's financial accounting module is integrated in the cDMS solution on both functional and technological levels.

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